What We Do

Beads of Courage®

Shine On! Kids is proud to provide the Beads of Courage® Program in Japan as sole representative and International Partner of Beads of Courage® Inc.

Beads of Courage®, a form of arts-in-medicine, was developed by pediatric oncology nurse Jean Baruch in the United States. The Beads of Courage® Program is a resilience-based intervention designed to support and strengthen the protective resources for children coping with serious illness.

What is it?

How does it work?

Children fighting cancer and other serious illnesses receive colorful beads as meaningful symbols of courage to commemorate milestones they have achieved along their unique treatment path. Each bead tells a story of strength, honor, and hope.


The patients keep a record of all of their treatments in their Bead Diary. Designated medical professionals (including nurses, clinical psychologists, and child life specialists) are trained by Shine On! Kids to become Bead Ambassadors. These Ambassadors meet with each child once a week to talk about their treatments that week, listen to the children talk about how they feel, and together go through the Bead Diary and collect the child’s beads.

On average, a child undergoing treatment for cancer will collect about 900 beads in one year of treatment. The beads themselves are high-quality glass, ceramic and polymer—strung together, they are both beautiful and very heavy. The weight and length of the bead strands also serve as a reminder of the long and courageous journey these young people must embark upon to get better.

Strand length represents ONE WEEK of treatment

There are also a number of very special courage beads collected along the way. These beads, handmade and donated by Japanese bead artists, are given during a particularly challenging time for the child … not as a reward, but as a reminder that they have been courageous enough to get through that challenge!

Shine On! Kids provides all of the materials and training to implement and ensure the ongoing quality of the program at each of the 29 hospitals currently executing Beads of Courage® in Japan. (Note there is one additional hospital in which wishes to remain anonymous).

Hospital List

  1. October 2009: Ibaraki Children’s Hospital
  2. May 2010: Osaka City General Hospital
  3. March 2011: Tokyo Metropolitan Children’s Medical Center
  4. May 2011: Chiba University Hospital
  5. May 2011: Kobe University Hospital
  6. June 2011: Shimane University Hospital
  7. January 2012: Sapporo Medical University Hospital
  8. February 2012: Tokyo Medical and Dental University Hospital
  9. February 2012: Osaka Red Cross Hospital
  10. December 2012: Hyogo Prefectural Kobe Children’s Hospital
  11. April 2013: Japanese Red Cross Narita Hospital
  12. June 2013: Japan Community Healthcare Organization Chukyo Hospital
  13. September 2014: Child Chemo House
  14. January 2015: Shizuoka Children’s Hospital
  15. September 2015: Keio University Hospital
  16. September 2015: Kochi Health Sciences Center
  17. November 2015: The Jikei University Hospital
  18. June 2016: National Hospital Organization Kyushu Cancer Center
  19. August 2018: National Cancer Center Hospital
  20. September 2018: Nanbu Medical Center & Children’s Medical Center
  21. April 2020: University of Tsukuba Hospital
  22. April 2020: Yokohama City University Hospital
  23. January 2022: Saitama Children’s Medical Center
  24. December 2022: Medical Research Institute Kitano Hospital
  25. April 2023: Inage Mirai Clinic
  26. July 2023: Visiting Nurse Station Tsunaki 
  27. January 2024: Ehime University Hospital
  28. April 2024: Children’s Hospice Project TSURUMI Children’s Hospice
  29. October 2024: Osaka Maternal & Child Health Information Center
  30. December 2024: Gunma Children’s Medical Center




Running a race, doing a big swim, climbing a mountain, studying for a big exam? Carry a Bead that will be given to one of our kids in the Beads of Courage® Program in Japan!

Learn More

The Shine On! Kids’ Beads of Courage® Program is in 22 hospitals in Japan! Help us make this program a standard part of patient care in ALL children’s hospitals.

Donate Now


For any inquiries regarding this program, please do not contact the hospitals directly. Contact Shine On! Kids: info@sokids.org

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